Positive Women’s Network – United States of America (PWN-USA) is a national membership body of women living with HIV, inclusive of transgender and cisgender women, working to achieve HIV policies and programs grounded in gender equity and human rights. 

To be considered for a formal leadership role in PWN-USA, you must read and sign the following statement. I understand that PWN-USA values:
  • Self identity
  • Root cause analysis
  • Our herstory and lessons from the past
  • Mentorship and developing new leadership
  • Accountability
  • Prioritizing disproportionately impacted communities
  • Sustainability of its membership and leadership in service of our vision
  • Building power
  • Meaningful inclusion of HIV-positive women at varying points on the disclosure continuum
  • Productive relationships with allies
  • Changing the course of the epidemic
I understand that PWN-USA sees HIV in the U.S. as a human rights crisis, the response to which must be led by those most directly and drastically impacted in the epidemic.  I commit to actively countering homophobia, transphobia, racism, classism, and other forms of bias and prejudice in the work of PWN-USA and its partners.  

I will seek to facilitate the inclusion of those who are younger, older, differently-abled, of varying levels of literacy, English language facility, technology access, and people of varying gender identities, in PWN-USA’s work.  

I agree to prioritize the meaningful leadership of communities disproportionately impacted by the U.S. HIV epidemic – prioritizing Black and Latina women, transgender women, sex workers, women who inject drugs, women who are unstably housed, women living in poverty, and women with experiences of incarceration – to ensure a leadership pipeline that is reflective of the U.S. epidemic.

I understand that PWN-USA prioritizes Reproductive Justice for all women, which as defined by Sistersong, will be achieved when women and girls have the economic, social, and political power and resources to make healthy decisions about our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction for ourselves, our families and our communities, in all areas of our lives.