The Health Not Prisons Collective (HNP) is excited to launch the 2022 Advocate Funding Project. HNP is a group of 5 national organizations, The Counter Narrative Project, Transgender Law Center, US People Living with HIV Caucus, Positive Women’s Network–USA, and SERO Project, working to advance the goals of HIV decriminalization with support from Gilead Sciences. The HNP Advocate Funding Project (The Project) is being launched in hopes that directly funding state advocates living with HIV will better support people living with HIV to lead decriminalization efforts at the state level in four target states–Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

The Project supports a number of founding HNP principles, including economic justice, community power, and meaningful involvement of people living with HIV.

This Project connects advocates that identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color living with HIV to material resources in order to participate in state HIV decriminalization coalitions. Over the course of twelve months, advocates will be given a stipend of $500/month to participate in state decriminalization coalition work. In addition, advocates will be connected with seasoned legislative advocates via bi-monthly coaching calls with HNP partners and monthly workshops to address real-time needs and identify resources. Advocates will also receive a training stipend for development and attending relevant HIV conferences.

Read the full program description here.

Applications for The Project are open today to advocates living in Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee and will be accepted until November 15th, apply here.

Please join us on October 22nd at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST for an informational webinar about The Project and the application process. Register for the webinar here.