The views and opinions expressed in this piece are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of Positive Women’s Network – USA.

by Lepena Reid

March 08, 2021

You do not have to hate me; I can do that BEST myself.

Would you invite me into your home, shake my hand, or hold me close while we dance?

Share a cup of tea? Feel comfortable enough to hug me? 

Can I hold the baby? Place a kiss on its cheek?

You do not have to hate me. My discomfort with myself does very well. 

Should I share some personal news or keep it to myself?

So relax. I will bear the pain and hurt while keeping my distance afar. 

Your nervous gestures speak volumes. I can hear the echoing sound. 

I refuse to accept the hatred of negative and insulting names. 

Someone has to break the chain because attitudes must change. 

I stretch out my hands to all my Positive Living Friends. 

From this simple act of kindness, harmony will spread.