In this issue:

  • Shero of the Month: Shyronn Jones
  • Alternative Endings, Activists Risings
  • AIDS2020ForAll Wins POZ Award!
  • PWN-USA Is Hiring: Are You Our Next Policy Director?
  • Happy Holidays from Team PWN!

Shero of the Month: Shyronn Jones

Our PWN Shero of the Month for December is Shyronn Jones of Atlanta, Georgia. She is the PWN-USA State Lead for Georgia, a graduate of the inaugural class of the PWN Policy Fellowship, and an official PWN member spokesperson.

“Over the past several years, Shyronn has proven herself to be a dedicated, dependable representative of PWN,” said Jennie Smith-Camejo, communications director of PWN-USA. “She understands and knows how to speak to the issues that affect women living with HIV as well as her community as a whole.”

Shyronn is most proud of the committees she serves on. As a member of The Metropolitan Atlanta HIV Health Services Planning Council (MAHHSPC, a.k.a. Ryan White Part A Planning Council) Priorities Committee, “I’ve had all my proposed motions passed. The motion I’m most proud of was the redistribution of the Minority AIDS Initiative funding. I moved funds into a few support service categories. The service category I’m most proud of was the previously empty Emergency Financial Assistance. This accomplishment will help to meet the urgent needs of minority communities.”

Read more here

Nominate your shero for PWN Shero of the Month here!

Visual AIDS’ Day With(out) Art 2018: Alternate Endings, Activist Risings

Positive Women’s Network – USA for Day With(out) Art 2018: ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS from Visual AIDS on Vimeo.

PWN is thrilled to finally publicly release the short film we produced for Visual AIDS’ Day With(out) Art 2018: Alternate Endings, Activist Risings.

We are proud to have been one of six community organizations included in ALTERNATE ENDINGS, ACTIVIST RISINGS–alongside ACT UP NY, SERO Project, the SPOT, Tacoma Action Collective, and VOCAL NY–which highlights the impact of art in AIDS activism and advocacy today. Watch all the videos here. Pssst…three of our members also appear in SERO Project’s awesome video!

Day With(out) Art 2018 screened in 104 locations, including four marquee screenings, in 28 states in the United States. The videos were translated into French, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese, with international screenings in 14 countries around the world.

AIDS2020ForAll Wins POZ Award for Best Reason to Keep Acting Up!

The campaign led HIV advocacy groups, civil society organizations, and activists fighting to prevent the International AIDS Conference from being held in San Francisco in 2020, and which PWN is a key partner in, won the POZ Award for Best Reason to Keep Acting Up.

The coalition, HIV Power Shift, has sought to convince the International AIDS Society (IAS) to change their plans to hold AIDS 2020 in the U.S., in light of the Trump administration’s continued assault on immigrants, those seeking asylum, people living with HIV, and for generally making life in the United States miserable and unsafe for the very groups the IAS seeks to serve. PWN has endorsed the recently announced community-led conference, HIV 2020: Community Reclaiming the Global Response, to be held in Mexico City July 6-8, 2020.

Read more about POZ award winners here

PWN-USA Is Hiring: Are You Our Next Policy Director?

PWN-USA’s Policy Director leads the organization’s policy activities and manages the policy department, ensuring that goals and activities are aligned with our mission, values, and strategic vision. We are a flexible and adaptive organization; we value candidates who come with strong values alignment, a high level of emotional intelligence, and are able to think on their feet to adapt policy advocacy strategies in the moment.

Read the full job description and application instructions here

Happy Holidays from Team PWN!

ATTENTION PWN members and allies! Please click the image below (or here) for a very important announcement from the PWN staff team!

Happy Holidays 2018 from PWN! from Positive Women’s Network – USA on Vimeo.